Thursday, March 19, 2009

Where the wild roses grow

Upcoming races for the Kentucky Points Series, XC. I'm hoping that they'll resurrect the classic Mud, Sweat, and Gears race at Butler Park to kick it off. If so, it should be in the next couple of weeks. Depending on my overall condition I may decide to enter both the singlespeed class and the Cat 2 class; if I end up having doubts I'll just stick with the singlespeed class. My geared racing bike is in dire need of a tune up and a few upgrades, and I'm waiting on my tax return to get here so I can take care of those. If it doesn't get here in time, well, I'll still put in the work on it but just use it for certain trails in the area.

My Soma Juice is my baby, though. I could get another 29" rear wheel and run it as a 1x9, but why bother when I could just ride the 26" geared bike? Not to mention it's rather satisfying rolling up to the trails on the fully rigid monster and being able to hold my own on group rides.

We'll see.

Anyway, here are the races as I know of them at this time.

Battle on the Bluegrass.

09' Calender more dates to come *tba to be announced

April 19 Tower Park

Younger's Creek*tba

Cherokee Park *tba

June28 East Fork

July 12 Fort Duffield

July 19 Capital View

August 9 Waverly Park

Sept 13 England Idlewild


Monday, February 2, 2009

I find myself in the place where I'm last seen

So after a week of ice storms, no electricity, and crashing at my friends' house with my two cats, their three cats and a dog, and our other friends' cat and dog as well (at one point there were 7 people, 6 cats, and 3 dogs in the same house), I am finally home.

It was fun, in a squatter sort of way... but this time I had video games, guitars, and a lot of paint to keep me busy. Class was canceled for the entire week, so I basically spent a lot of time drawing, painting, writing music, and farting around.

I helped my brother move the other day. Finally got back a few frames and wheelsets that I left at his place years ago. I think I'm going to resurrect the P3 as a dirt jumping bike, and probably will end up using it for bike polo as well. The frame size is just right, and if I only run a rear derailleur and a single ring up front I can justify building it back up to serve two purposes. I'll have to track down a new full face helmet eventually, but for now I'm fine- it's going to take me a while to get back into the swing of things.

Anyway, yeah. The snow is melting, the trails are complete slop right now- there's talk of running a 'cross alleycat, but we'll see where that goes if anywhere.

Monday, January 19, 2009

First post.

So this is the first post of the first blog I have had in years. Perhaps I will update this more regularly than my previous ones, perhaps not. Expect lackluster bike race results, crappy photos, and a bunch of rambling about nothing in particular.